Saturday, June 7, 2008


Well, if you ever have the urge to amaze a 3 and 2 year old this was it. I love day trips. I love things that are free. And I love to show kids things that are not everyday so that they can see the possibilities of the future for them. A small down not to far from here named Cambridge has a Balloon Festival every June. There are only about 10 Balloons but it is just enough to not be overwhelming for a child. I remember my first Balloon Festival with my dad when I was 12 in Queensbury. It was awesome. I still have the pin he purchased for me from the Panda Balloon. Last night I felt like that kid again. Now I have been to see many balloon's. About 5 years ago Morgan and Josh and I even had the chance to chase the balloon's and help bring them down. It was such a great memory to share. So last night Noah, being the silly little red head that he is, was so excited. But Logan, the serious 3 year old could not stop thanking me for taking him there. We walked up to the balloon and as it tipped up I could tell he felt it. You know that feeling you get when standing by the ocean. That you are really small in the scheme of things, but that life can be incredible. The child's mouth would not stop. He barely took a breath. He described every moment as it was happening. Just fabulous. Then, as a stood there I realized, this is why we have kids, to pass down the excitement and thrills that our incredible, wonderful and outstanding parents introduce to us. So as many times in a day that I wonder if I am a good mom or and doing the right thing, last night was my moment to shine in my babies eyes. Now that is FABULOUS!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Balloons??? Coooooollll!! My Mummy never took me on a ballon ride (sniff)...would you consider adopting me and taking me too?! Please, pretty please with a balloon on top? :) You are Super Mum xo