Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday Morning In Upstate New York

We woke up at 2:02 am to no power. Lucky for Pat and I, our new bedroom linens are so warm. before we new it both boys(the two little ones) climbed in until morning to stay warm. But we where so happy to wake up to this beautiful scene in our backyard.

The geese are above the trees trying to land on the water down back. The entire family has been sitting with our nose pressed against the window waiting to see the snow drop and the beauty we are so lucky to see in our own backyard.

Hopefully we don't have too many down branches with so many leaves left on the trees.

Oh and this last one is my wonderful little student of the month for the month of October. He loves to rub it into his sister and brothers that he has had that honor 4 years running now. I am not the bumper sticker kind of mom, but I am a blogger mom so here is my cyber bumper sticker....MY KID IS STUDENT OF THE MONTH!


1 comment:

Michele's Treasures, Teacups, and Tumbling Rose Cottage said...

Oh, that snow IS pretty! If it just weren't such hard work to shovel. ; )